Monday 23 March 2015

Family name research

Your Family Name History

Answer the questions as well as you can, and please add photos when you have some.  (When you are not sure how to answer a question, search with the question and your name in the search line.)

  1. What is your last name? Prystay
  2. What other last names are in your family that are important (ex: your grandparent’s last names, last names of your cousins) Healy is my grandmothers name, on my moms side. My cousin Robbie Graves is on my mothers side.
  3. What are the early origins of your last name? Through out the early history of this name spellings of the surname changed. Due to the recorders interpretation
      of how the names sounded at the time of entry.
      in various

  1. What is the early history of your last name? There is very little early history recorded on house of names for Healy.
  2. Are there any notable people who have your last name (very old or recent)
  3. If it did migrate, when did your family name migrate to Canada? Abby Healy age 40 landed in Canada in 1823.
  4. What is some history of setting in Canada for your family? Early immigration began in the 1800s.
  5. If there is a family crest, please put a picture of it in here. There is a family crest but we can not copy the image.
This is my computer work researching the Antarctica.


1.  Southern Ocean surrounds Antarctica, South Indian Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Amundsen Ocean, Weddell Sea.

2. Ronne Ice Shelf,  Ross Ice Shelf, Queen Maud Land, South Pole, Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica Ice Sheet, Magnetic South Pole.

3.  Zero people live on Antarctica. 1000- 5000 research personnel work on Antarctica.

4. 14,000,000 kilometers. Antarctica is the 5th largest continent after Asia, Africa, North America and South America.

5. It is snow and ice and freezing temperatures year round. Lowest temperature recorded was minus 93.2 C. Warmest temperature was 14.5C.

6. Over 15 research stations 1 is called Davis.

7. 1000 kilometers from Cape Horn South America to Antarctica.

9. My map is titled Antarctica

10.  done

11.  done

This is my work on what I did for the holidays.

What I Did for the Holidays

Special Food I ate
People I visited with
Presents I gave
Activities I did
Music I heard
Turkey for Christmas dinner Pie for dessert
I had a visit with
Mrs. Lawson
before Christmas.
Gave mom a nice necklace.
I drew a person
with a red line
which means
do not enter.
listen to cds on the stereo
Chinese food for New Year’s Eve
Talked to Grandma in Calgary on the phone Christmas Day.

Helped decorate the house
Listened to Christmas music
Still went out for
lunch every weekend

helped put on christmas decorations on the tree

rang the bell for the salvation army kettle

The poster I made for my computer class.

Harvest Dance
 A dance to welcome

Friday September 26, 2014.
Held at the Lewis center
Courtenay BC
12:30- 2:30
Come and join all your friends,
dance the afternoon away!

This year 2015 I have been taking a computer class at North Island College. I really enjoyed it, so I wanted to share my favorite things.

Here is some of  my work, it is about an African Country that I explored.

Exploring an African Country

You have now explored the African Continent and identified several countries.  You have also found capital cities of many countries.  

Today you are going to choose a country in Africa and learn some important facts and features of that country.

  • Choose a country on the African continent
  • Search for the answers to the following questions
  • put your answers into this document (if you can’t write on this one, it is because you haven’t made a copy yet!)

  1. What is the name of the country that you have chosen?
The Gambia
  1. What are the neighbouring countries?
Senegal surrounds the gambia.
Guinea -Bissau
  1. Is your country located more north, south, west or east in Africa?
  1. What is the population of your country?
1.8 million
  1. Is the population larger or smaller than Canada’s population.
              It is smaller than Canada.
  1. what languages are spoken in this country?
         English is the official language. Mandingo is spoken
        by 38% of the population. Fula is spoken by 21.2%.
        Jola is spoken by 4.5 %. Several other languages are also
  1. what religion do people practice there? 90% are sunni muslims. 9 %
           are christians 1% are traditional beliefs.

  1. what kinds of jobs and industry exist in this country? Traditional subsistence agriculture, peanuts are exported. A re export trade has built up at the ocean port. Agriculture, fishing,  forestry, manufacturing.

  1. Is this country mostly flat, mountainous, or both?    To the west lies the Atlantic coastline, the interior is generally low-lying on both sides of the Gambia River,  elevations are higher in the east. Throughout the gambia, low flat-topped hills alternate with valleys.

  1. What is the climate like?
The Gambia has  distinct cool and hot seasons. From November to mid-May there is uninterrupted dry weather, with temperatures as low as 16°C (61°F). Hot, humid weather predominates the rest of the year, with a rainy season from June to October.
  1. What is the capital city of this country?  The capital of Gambia is Banjul.

  1. How many square kilometers is your country?  It is 10, 689 square kilometers.

  1. Is it bigger or smaller than Canada in size? The Gambia is smaller than Canada.

  1. What is common food in this country? The common foods are fish, peanuts,  tomato,
black eyed peas, lemon, cassava, cabbage, salt, pepper, onion, chili, and various herbs. Oysters from the river gambia.

  1. Why did you choose this country?  Explain. I looked for a small country in Africa.

  1. Find three pictures of this country and add them to this document.  Put a caption with each explaining why you picked it. Fishing boats in the Gambia. Fishing is a large industry here.
In Gambia many dishes are cooked in 1 pot only .

The Gambia is a small country in West Africa. The river Gambia runs in the center of the country.

Be prepared to do a short presentation to the class about what you learned about this country.